During the Covid-19 pandemic, we became dependent on technology like never before. Many of us were glued to our phones and computers for entertainment, news, work, connection with others, schooling, etc.
The following two articles explore the hypothesis that lockdown has increased social media and gaming addiction across the globe, both in young people and adults, and raises the issue of where to draw the line between necessary and healthy tech use, using it as a coping mechanism, or when it tips into addiction.
The first piece, a recent Pubmed article, addresses the paradox of our need for, and danger of social media during these socially distanced times, and raises the issue of where to draw the line between a coping mechanism and addictive behaviour; the second, Sadie Hollins’ article for TES, warns of the increasing risk of gaming addiction in children who have been forced online in increasing numbers during lockdown.
Read both articles in full here: